Please note that users new to the subreddit might experience posting limitations until they become more active and longer members of the community. The detailed version of these rules is available by clicking here, otherwise, hover over the rules to get a simplified version of them. Discussion about hacks and exploits are allowed.Real money trades are not allowed in game nor on the sub-Reddit.Directly linking to and distributing said exploits, hacks, or cheats is not permitted.Do not distribute exploits, hacks, or RWT.Please instead use Trion Worlds support for that. Do not ask for support with your Glyph account, and/or ArcheAge account.Do not make threads just to point out to your support ticket #.Do not make threads, looking to specifically contact a Trion staff member.If a comment is NSFW, then mark it, please.If a submission is NSFW, then mark it, please.In the case of questions, have the title include the question.You should be able to understand the general topic of a post without opening the original post.

NEW TO REDDIT? CLICK HERE! Returning player?ĪrcheAge is a medieval fantasy massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Korean studio, XL Games.

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