- Dawn of war ultimate apocalypse thb didht mod#
- Dawn of war ultimate apocalypse thb didht mods#
- Dawn of war ultimate apocalypse thb didht free#
But now from the end of 2015, he is doing his best to balance this mod to the point that it isn't completely balanced, but to the point that all units eventually become useful and that they have a role.
Dawn of war ultimate apocalypse thb didht free#
The reason why this mod isn't that balanced or bug free is because of the fact that the mod creator and his team didn't really focus on balancing or bug fixing from the first release of the mod to THB, but rather on adding more content, units etc. I am also one of those people that play this mod for fun and massive battles, (Titan Wars FTW) although sometimes i can play seriously if i feel like it. One thing i agree with you on is that many units in this mod (especially infantry) isn't really worth it anymore when you have access to all the heavy tanks and high-tier/end game stuff.
Dawn of war ultimate apocalypse thb didht mods#
UA offers a completely new experience unlike most other mods which still has that feeling of vanilla to them. The things UA has over most mods (if not all) is the massive amount of content and scale it brings to the "table". UA mod isn't exactly garbage, it's just that it's not that balanced or bug free as titanium Wars for example.

TL DR Why do you like this mod so much despite it being so unabalanced and the meta is "spam high tier units till you win" and nothing else? I don't understand why this mod has remained so popular even tho it feels like the game is going to snap with it running, the mod's clutter really can't fit onto the game, and shouldn't be there to begin with. I want my Impeial Guard army to, you know, use guardsmen for more than 5 minutes, not just spam an army of tanks and ogryns. I want my Tau army to be fielding a bunch of fire warriors with some battlesuits, not battlesuits and only battlesuits. If I have more than 4 squads nearr eachother, it turns into a mess. It's a spam fest mod, for a game and engien that isn't designed for that. Necrons, rush tech to spam deathmarks and obselisks. Inquisition, hold off the enemy with bodyguards the fist 2 minutes, then spam stormtroopers, and tech ASAP to grey knights to just ♥♥♥♥ on everyone with them. Don't even think of using the kroot, they might as well remove them from the game, honestly. Artillary spam with battlesuits as being the main unit you use, along with cannonfoder gun drone spam, that's all you need untill late game. You make a few firewarior units and maybe a few broadsides, then as soon as you can, crank out some battlesuits and spam artillary.

Tau, you spam gun drones beacuse they are cheap and do tons of damage. The only thing worth using early game is warrriors and gargoyles, but after that you want to be spamming out carnifexes and late game units because everything else becomes obsolete so fast.

After that, they aren't even worth using as cannonfodder. Gaunt units, all of them, are WORTHLESS other than during the first tier, and you get to tier 2 within a few minutes, so in that time you might make one or two of them and send them at the enemy, and that's it. Less is more, and adding a bunch of random ♥♥♥♥ that has no point place or purpose is just pointless clutter. A good 80% of the units and upgrades in the game are pointeless garbage clutter. The game is a spam fest and nothing else. I have played it for years now, and it just gets worse and worse with every update. Seriously tho, no matter how much I try, I cannot enjoy this mod.